Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Following Crits...

Last critique was personally most helpful this semester. Megan was able to discuss my work in depth and question its direction in ways I haven't thought of before. She stressed that my style of painting could almost be a thesis project itself instead of having it merge with the conceptual aspects of the paintings as I intended to. Giving it a large amount of thought, which possibly resulted in the lack of posts between last post and this one, I have decided to paint in a more subtle way, so that the viewer can identify with what is being depicted more than how it  is depicted. Even though there still is a sensibility of expression as in my other work, one can mainly sense the focus being on the figure ground relationships which I am trying to complicate. It isn't an easy task, however, hopefully an achievable one by mid-april.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thesis Critique Feb 4th

I found this critique very informative and helpful for my thesis project. As I'm still in the progress of shaping my thesis project, I am very open to all the suggestions from my peers. Those that most interested me in the critique concerned irony and being able to push it further to give the subject matter a better feel. . It was also brought to my attention that some thought the paintings should become more shocking. That was of a slight concern to me, since my intent is not to primarily create a shock factor, but rather to engage the viewer in the conversation between the figure and the space it's in. I did however find the advice of irony very valuable and will try to push it in the final product.